
I got bored and made a powerpoint that’s totes 100% accurate and canon abt the Berseria characters and is in no way my complete fucking guesses


I don’t think you guys understand how much I love zaveid. (I really hope we get some backstory animation about him, Edna, and Eizen in Zestiria the X)

THOUGHTS: I sat down and thought about it and you have to wonder why Zaveid didn’t kill Eizen for like—hundreds?? of years when he probably had a lot of chances to.  I mean there’s the part where he wasn’t sure if Siegfried would even work against him but Edna mentions that she sees Zaveid on Spiritcrest sometimes but doesn’t know why.  Presumably to kill Eizen but I mean he never does so—I feel like he chickens out each time.  I REALLY WANT THE SCENE OF THEM KILLING EIZEN IN THE ANIME AND I NEED EDNA AND ZAVEID CRYING.


A person becomes a dragon when they come into contact with really high levels of malevolence (some people were known to have turned into dragon simply for coming into contact with Heldalf’s domain) or by doing something really detrimental to one’s own emotional health, usually by doing something they don’t want to/don’t agree with, but must due to whatever reason that forced them to take action, willingly or not. This will cause them to become a hellion and slowly turn into a dragon, the ultimate stage of a hellion.

There is no malevolence in Berseria (yet), which means Eizen didn’t become a dragon by coming into contact with another hellion, although there are beings that seem to be the ancestors of hellions. This means that Eizen slowly became one.


The funny thing about this is that Eizen seems to have willingly done it to himself. For starters, he never told Edna anything about it, probably keeping it from her so she wouldn’t suffer.


Eizen made absolutely sure to tell Zaveid that should he become a dragon, they should kill him. He knew he was becoming one.


What I mean by this is,

friendly reminder that we’ll watch Eizen forging his own path of destruction from this


to this

